7 Week "Level Up" Challenge

Full Payment

$1,200 + GST AUD

Monthly Payment Plan

5x $240 + GST AUD

woman raising her hands to the sky in happiness

Online via Zoom

Tuesday @ 8pm for 7 weeks

February 6, 2024

The Most IMMERSIVE Challenge You Will Do For Yourself!!!!

We have spent hours and thousands of dollars studying what it is to have personal fulfillment and happiness in OUR lives.

We have delved deep into our own psyche to understand our own human behaviour, understand those around us, and ultimately let go of the bullshit that we may carry around so we can live a more abundant life.

We help you LET GO of behavioural patterns that DO NOT serve you and help you eliminate limiting beliefs so YOU can reach your full potential.

Everything that we have learned over the years has not only impacted our lives dramatically, but it has raised our awareness and consciousness so we can live a more fulfilling life as well as raise conscious humans.

We will teach you everything that we have learned in a challenging weekly program that will address what is holding you back from feeling more joy and happiness in YOUR life.

  • LET GO of what is holding you back;
  • Learn how to GET EXCITED about life;
  • LET GO of limiting beliefs;
  • Create momentum and PROGRESS in your life;
  • BREAK AWAY from OLD HABITS and behaviours;
  • Create INSTANT CHANGE by creating productive routines;
  • Improve YOUR relationship with others and yourself;
  • TRANSFORM into the person you are meant to be;
  • Create LASTING change and personal development.
"Mastering others is strength, Mastering yourself is true power - Lao Tzu

Book Your Spot Today!

  • Limited to 8 women at a time so secure your spot;
  • Easy and flexible payment options;
  • Be the change you want to see in yourself.
Sarah Michaels sitting on a mat with her legs crossed and smiling at the camera

Sarah Michaels

Instructor & Coach

I am a passionate, loving and experienced Breathwork Facilitator who creates a safe and welcoming space for my clients to release what is no longer serving them. Passionate about helping others, I share my own stories with courageous authenticity, inviting you to fully express yourself in the safe container that I provide.

I have extensively trained in various breathwork modalities and been coached by some of the most prominent healing figures in industry such as Gabor Mate, Sadguru, and Tony Robbins. I have created my very own unique style of breathwork that is designed to help you connect with the world, connect with yourself and heal your mind, body and soul so you are at peace. Come join me in my mission to heal the world one breath at a time.

Sarah looking at the camera

Sarah Michaels

Breathwork Facilitator, Trainer & Confidence/Anxiety Coach

Sarah Michaels signature written in white pen

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you, feel free to reach out.

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